Field Day 30 July 2017: Beehive Inspection

On July 30, we held our mid winter field day for the year. When we opened one of the hives on Sunday we noticed a lot of activity including bees returning with pollen from various sources and the honey stores built up in the honey supers again. The bees are still very active, I can’t believe this is winter. Hopefully, we will see great flows this year during Spring and Summer. There were over 70 members and guests that visited on the field day to see Clem and Ian walk us through a few essential beekeeping tips in 2 workshops. We even had a few lads drop in to see some bees and sample some yummy honey. Special thanks to all those who assisted on the day plus our junior beekeeper for the lovely colourful welcome sign posted on our front door.

Remember our field day usually occurs on each and every last Sunday of the month (except for the holiday seasons). Check out the events calendar to see what’s coming up.