Bruce White: Queen Spotting & Re-Queening
Our August Field Day
At our August field day, Bruce White kindly guided us through the complex task of Queen Spotting & Re-Queening. And we captured it in a very detailed video over 1 hour long. You can view it for free by clicking the play button below or visiting on youtube here.
The video shows many very specific tasks from opening a hive, smoking the beehive entrance and finding the queen. Note the first 15 minutes covers some theory (apologies for the impromptu quality here) followed by about 45 minutes of close up looks as Bruce explains things in and around the beehives.
The video has been divided up to about 17 chapters indexed so you can jump to specific spots in the video.
See the video below and note the chapter topics indexed in the list.
00:00:10 Theory Pre Field Demo
00:14:49 Field Day Demo: Bees at Entrance
00:16:07 Lighting the Bee Smoker
00:17:31 Smoking the entrance of the Beehive
00:19:45 Shifting the Hivre to reduce Bee Numbers
00:24:42 Correct use of the Hive Tool
00:25:03 Check the Excluder for the Queen
00:29:18 Observing the Brood Pattern for Drone Cells
00:31:03 Working through Brood Frames to find the Queen
00:33:16 Shaking Bees out from Brood Box to find the Queen
00:34:58 Using a Queen Excluder UNDERNEATH the Brood Box to Isolate & Find the Queen
00:38:29 Chasing Bees up from the Bottom Box with Smoker
00:40:12 Avoid using too much smoke to avoid bees racing around
00:41:30 Queen Found
00:47:55 Beehive Location & Bee Re-orientation
00:51:48 Releasing Queen from Her Cage
01:01:49 A close up look at the marked Queen
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We will be adding more beekeeping videos soon. And you can see other videos published already in the links below,